On 20.01.23 22:48, Karl Fogel wrote:
On 20 Jan 2023, Nathan Hartman wrote:
We already can't store files with identical SHA1 hashes, but AFAIK the
only meaningful impact we've ever heard is that security researchers
cannot track files they generate with deliberate collisions. The same
would be true with any hash type, for collisions within that hash

Yes.  A hash is considered "broken" the moment security researches can generate a collision.

No matter what hash function you choose now, sooner or later it will be broken.

But a broken hash function can still be good enough for use in tools like subversion if it is used correctly. Instead of just storing the hash value subversion should also store a sequence number. Whenever a collision happens subversion has to compare the two (or more) files which have the same hash value. If the files are identical the old hash+number pair is stored. If they differ the new file gets a new sequence number and that hash+number pair is stored. Since collisions almost never happen even if md5 is used the performance penalty will be almost zero.

The same thing has been discussed earlier and changing the hash function will just solve the problem for a few years...

Best regards,

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