Maybe it is not that hard to do. I think it is possible to build a
prototype using Lua with some GUI toolkit bindings for instance: the
server would send the Lua source to the client, and the client interprets

Yup something like that. I guess you chose Lua because Lua is small in size and pretty expressive as a language. There is also io ( which I found to be small and expressive. It would be nice if there was a neat way of making it frontend independent. I was thinking about it more from a secure code execution + graphics runtime perspective.

There is also "neko".

This is only for a would-be prototype, guys. The choice for a particular language must be made with regards to the actual needs; and creating one if none of the existing ones fit the job is also an option.

The problem is that I don't see the need of clientside scripting. A clean design should split presentation and data.

This is a bit contradictory: the benefit of splitting presentation and data is to let some client pick only the data and do some processing on it. So client-side scripting is welcome. An even stronger argument is that it is impossible for the server to do all the job when you're a server at for instance.

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