
Peter John Hartman wrote:
On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 09:30:31AM +0200, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
The given panel feature could be used by dmenu, to not overlap
the window drawing area, when being run.
I'm using it for having svkbd on a defined position on the screen,
when rotating my Laptop into tablet mode. The needed patches for
svkbd are sent to the maintainer.

Here's what I do (in config.h):

        { ShiftMask|ControlMask,                                XK_F31,    
set_bar_height, {.i = -1}},
        { ShiftMask|ControlMask,                                XK_F32,    
set_bar_height, {.i = 1}},

set_bar_height(const Arg *arg) {
   if (arg->i>  0)
     sh = sh + 300;
     sh = sh - 300;

yes, that's a invariable hack. My patch adds support for panels
in every direction and opens more possibilities. The suckless
touch support will need screen estate, which is visible and can
be extended on-demand. This is added.

I'm adding a new meta-standard here, which isn't used in other
desktop environments. Other desktop environments have a fixed
panel system, but we then have a system, where a normal appli-
cation can be a panel and provide some features. Simply set your
height or width, make the first position to be upper/lower or
right/left and then it will be managed by dwm. This works with
multiple docks too.

One other step towards a better suckless touch support is thing-
menu [0]. At [1] is an example script, which is started on a
key press and does not require any keyboard interaction.

The new hype is touch stuff. We need to be ready for it, with-
out much patching.


Christoph Lohmann

[0] http://git.r-36.net/thingmenu/
[1] http://www.r-36.net/tmp/thinkpad-menu.sh

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