On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Connor Lane Smith <c...@lubutu.com> wrote:
> I just think the stdout and stderr ought to be visible at the same
> time. Or perhaps it would suffice to show stderr above stdout, or
> automatically switch, or something.

I agree stderr ought to be visible.  I picture either a smaller window
at the bottom of the terminal for that, or else a keyboard combination
that switches the output window over to stderr.  You could have a
little dwm microcosm where stdin/stdout/stderr window groups are
tagged with history entry numbers.  Windows could be tagged e.g.
104out and 104err... if you wanted to overengineer things.  I much
prefer the idea of one input pane, one output pane, and one error

> That sounds good to me. And you could head each 'output box' with the
> command which produced it. (Though numbering could be useful too.)

My thought is you could type an entire shell script into the input
box, so heading the output with e.g. a 15-line script would get
cumbersome.  There's no reason not to just save the command in the
input window and tag the output with its entry number.  You could even
select a history entry to be re-entered into the input buffer for
further editing, run the new version, and then cause the terminal to
save both versions of the output so you could diff them.

> I'm considering writing a 'next gen' 9term, if you'll excuse the
> expression, and these ideas (a terminal 'canvas', and separated
> streams) sound like they would be a very nice fit.

I've been thinking about a separate-streams terminal for a long time;
I'd love to see what you come up with.

# Kurt H Maier

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