2. having some kind of indication that you've been addressed (urgent hints or whatever).

In other wm's, #2 is often handled by having a little flashing systray icon. So, broadening: what (if anything) do dwm users use for "notifications" or indicating urgency?


I use seturgent tool from Evil_Bob (#suckleess), works very well for me.


For example, to get thunderbird window id:

Window id can be decimal or hex.

$ xwininfo -root -tree | awk '/Inbox.*Mozilla Thunderbird/'

(dwm will show tag as urgent)

$ seturgent 0x2000071

Using an addon for thunderbird like email alerter, shows a urgent tag when a new mail arrived.

You can also use latest version of suckless lsw to get windows id. It's very handy for scripting etc.


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