2011/11/1 Nick <suckless-...@njw.me.uk>:
> Quoth Peter John Hartman:
> Task maybe-one-maybe-two: make it play nice with webkit-gtk compiled
> against gtk3. Gtk3 probably sucks less than 2, but regardless, it's
> the future of webkit-gtk. Further into the future, hopefully an EFL
> based webkit port will happen, which would be less bad.

There is an EFL based webkit port[1], and a browser based on it (EVE [2])

I played with it a bit some time ago and perhaps not very stable, but
that was perhaps the browser and not the webkit port itself.

[1a] http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/EFLWebKit
[1b] http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/EWebKit <-- note the
buildable snapshots link

[2] http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk/eve/

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