On 04/06/2012 07:41 AM, Jan Christoph Ebersbach wrote:
Good Friday,

Thank you Anselm for explaining the issue. From my point of view there
is no other way of implementing a proper systray for dwm as long as it
contains the bars and has no interface.

Why don't we drop the bars and keybindings and let separate programs
handle it. There are also other patches like Xft that show that there is
a need for choice and extension. Building everything into dwm is not a
good idea, agreed. So let's create a proper interface for dwm that other
programs can use.

I remember this being discussed before on this list. The conclusion was that separating the dwm bar would result in more code and complexity than just leaving it embedded as is.

I personaly do not want systray or anything similar to be part of dwm. Even though I use anthy and use two different keyboard layouts (en, cs, jp) I don't really need anything to tell me what layout I use. I just remember. Other than that, I don't see any meaningful use for systray. I am using dwm few years now and this is first time I even thought about systray at all. And the little area of dwm bar for status -- yes, I use that..

while true
        xsetroot -name "$(date)"
        sleep 10
done &

I guess I would gravely miss this feature. But I could bear status area being removed. Probably, I would just look at my wristwatches instead.

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