
My case is not anymore to include the systray patch in dwm, don't get me wrong.

I wonder how these kind of patches can be done in a better way. It's clear that 
including a systray in dwm is not a good idea but it is also not possible to 
work around the bar included in dwm. I want to see the mode my tag is in, the 
selected tags and the name of the current window. If there were a way to 
present this information to an external program, the bar wasn't necessary 
anymore. Xft and Systray would be implemented by a separate program and all the 
fruitless discussions about the visual stuff, would come to an end.

Did anyone actually try to remove the bars (and keybindings) from dwm and 
define a simple IPC mechanism?

Jan Christoph

This message was sent using Zarafa WebApp.-----Original message-----
From: Luis Anaya <papoan...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sat 07-Apr-2012 10:57
To: dev@suckless.org
Subject: RE: [dev] [dwm] drop the bars (was: systray in upstream dwm?)


I see the case for a need of a systray, but there are tiling window managers 
that provide this facility.
The "awesome" window manager does have systray capability fairly small 
footprint, something to consider.
 Dwm is meant to be minimal and it is embedded in its design philosophy and 
being that many of
the systray application do have a command line counterpart in most cases, 
there's really no rush
to include this as a main feature IMHO. But if it can be cleanly patched, it 
can be included
in the patches section.

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