On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 1:56 AM, Dimitris Zervas <dzer...@dzervas.gr> wrote:
>>Also it would be nice if the actual text editing
>>would be clearly separated out, such that different editor frontends
>>can be implemented easily.
> Well, this is much easier implemented in OOP languages (which I don't love 
> that much) but I don't know what would be the performance, complexity and 
> code readability would be.
> I'll take a look, but no promises, as I love TUI (but I hate curses :P )

On  the FP side there is Yi[0]

The trick that Yi uses is quite clever and not very complicated:
keyboard input is passed to a lexer/parser which can be rewritten to
provide alternative bindings. Treating keyboard events like that
actually makes a lot of sense. It is not very specific to any
programming paradigm and could be implemented in C (with a recursive
descent parser if yacc is deemed to suck to much).

[0] http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yi

Raphaël Proust

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