On Sun, 26 Oct 2014 23:01:24 -0300
dequis <d...@dxzone.com.ar> wrote:

> The background/foreground of selected text is currently set by setting
> ATTR_REVERSE, which flips its normal bg/fg. When the text being
> selected has the same bg and fg, it won't be readable after selecting
> it, either.
> This may sound silly - my main use case is IRC channels using color
> codes for black-on-black to mark 'spoilers'.
> This patch allows that text to be read by selecting it, turning it
> into text with white bg and black fg (given default values for
> defaultbg/fg), just like most normal unformatted text when selected.

I disagree with the proposal.

There's simply no reason to break consistency for some quirky irc-gag.
If you want to read the spoilers, select them and paste them somewhere
else. Done.



FRIGN <d...@frign.de>

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