Quoth Evan Gates:
> The problem I'm currently facing is finding a browser that
> supports HIDPI correctly. I've been playing with chrome, firefox, and
> surf but have yet to find a satisfactory setup. Anyone have any
> recommendations?

Iceweasel (at least the version in Debian stable) works perfectly 
well if you set layout.css.devPixelsPerPx to 2 in about:config.

I use surf, with zoomto96dpi set to true, most of the time. There 
are a few small problems with it, though:
- Form elements are twice as big as they should be. This must be a 
  webkitgtk bug, and may be fixed in newer versions.
- Zooming images (not webpages) larger than the window they blow up 
  to 4x the size they should. Another webkitgtk bug that isn't worth 
  the nightmare of looking through the code to fix. Also, it's your 
  own fault for using surf instead of sxiv for image browsing ;)
- Text dimensions can be slightly different to what the designer 
  expected, so a very badly designed webpage may be imperfectly laid 
  out. This is also true with firefox.

Other than that, and occasional games like hedgewars, my high resolution
monitor has been nothing but a joy since I got it.

Oh, and I set the DPI correctly using a small file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
; see https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/ChromebookPixel#Display
for details.


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