Good evening, I think that JWM could be made visible on the website of
Please check the code of jwm... JWM is relatively light, and people like it very much jwm as much as dwm. For jwm, only libx11-dev is necessary. JWM is fluid, it looks nice. With xbindkeys it is a nice alternative wm. Jwm is very much stable and leaner than openbox. /* JWM v2.3.5 by Joe Wingbermuehle compiled options: confirm icons nls xbm */ My theme: <!-- Visual Styles --> <WindowStyle> <Font>FreeSans-9:bold</Font> <Width>4</Width> <Height>20</Height> <Active> <Text>white</Text> <Title>#70849d:#2e3a67</Title> <Outline>black</Outline> <Opacity>1.0</Opacity> </Active> <Inactive> <Text>#aaaaaa</Text> <Title>#808488:#303438</Title> <Outline>black</Outline> <Opacity>0.5:0.9:0.1</Opacity> </Inactive> </WindowStyle> Best regards; Pat;