On 22 May 2018 at 01:24, Raphaël Proust <s...@bnwr.net> wrote:
> I sent the copy. I use usul regularly so I still have the whole repo
> locally.

Could you send me a copy as well? I'd also be interested to know what
sort of things you tend to use it for, in case it could be made

> In what way is the elastic tabbing different from what Plan9's mc(1)?

mc columnates lines, so if you have the input:

> foo
> bar
> baz

then it will output something like:

> foo  bar  baz

Elastic tabbing, on the other hand, tabulates lines, so if you have the input:

> foo  bar  baz
> dis  establishment  arianism

then it will output something like:

> foo  bar            baz
> dis  establishment  arianism

I've uploaded the source [1], but I'd not touched it in 3 years so I'm
not really sure what state it's in. There are a few things I'd planned
to add, like options for not elasticising leading tabs, and
right-aligning numeric fields, which I might get around to if I feel
like it.

[1]: https://github.com/cls/elastic


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