> Maybe a nice thing to have would be to get the terminal emulator to
treat the field and record separator in a special way. So the programs
all output fs and rs, and the terminal emulator uses these characters to
layout the data in a tabular way.

There's no terminal that does this, right?

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 3:24 AM, Raphaël Proust <s...@bnwr.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> On 2018-05-22 00:38, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
>> On 21 May 2018 at 17:12, Adrian Grigore <adrian.emil.grig...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm having problems compiling usul:
>> This is a surprise. Where did you get usul from?
> I sent the copy. I use usul regularly so I still have the whole repo
> locally.
>> I have been wondering lately about resurrecting usul, since 'tabular
>> munging' with Unix utilities without the ability to set $FS and $RS
>> can be really unpleasant, and I've had to do quite a bit of it
>> recently.
>> I did also write a program to complement usul which performs elastic
>> tabbing on its input, the idea being that you end up with a nice
>> tabular view in your terminal. I think ideally you might want 'real'
>> terminal support for it though, as when printing to the tty you either
>> need to buffer a lot of data (i.e. until a line with no FS), or you
>> need to do crazy tty-rewriting ANSI escapes, which it did support but
>> is a massive hack.
> In what way is the elastic tabbing different from what Plan9's mc(1)?
> Ciao,
> -- Raphaël


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