Michael Hendricks <mich...@ndrix.org> wrote:

> Agreed.
> > If anybody wants to go and fix the build let me know of your fork or
> > patch as I want to try it, out of curiosity.
> After cloning the repo[1], I ran `autoreconf -fi` to generate a
> configure script.  Then `./configure && make`. Aside from the
> autotools bloat, the build proceeded without trouble for me on
> OpenBSD.
> 1: https://github.com/screen-editor/se.git

Indeed, `autoreconf -fi` worked, thanks. There is an error if one tries to 
run just autoconf or autoreconf without arguments. Looks like this:

I have no idea what these errors mean, so when I got them I just gave up
initially, as it would of been stupid to waste time trying to figure it
out... Imagine having a bloated build tool, that does not just work,
pathetic. I also find especially frustrating how the INSTALL file tells
the user to run autoconf with no arguments.

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