
> These errors mean the named auxiliary build scripts (needed for
> portability) are not present and must be provided...

thank you for your explanation.  i have wondered.

> Technically, it's wrong to ask users to run autoreconf, projects must
> provide release tarballs with the pregenerated build system at
> releases, this is not just a convenience, first because that step is
> not repeatable and there's no way to fix it except by using the exact
> same autoconf environment, and because other actions might be part of
> the release process which make a snapshot different from a release
> tarball (e.g. bundling submodules, automated editing of some files to
> match the release, etc.).

but, when "users" (such as many of us, but now a growing number of
others) pick up a "release" via git, my sense is that the authors of the
package have no (convenient?) way of providing the auxiliary scripts.
so, the "user" must run autoreconf.  is that still true?  or, is there a
(convenient) way package authors can allow a simple "./configure && make
&& make install" to work?

cheers, Greg

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