On Thu Apr 28, 2022 at 11:48 AM CDT, Страхиња Радић wrote:
> On 22/04/15 07:08, Robert Winkler wrote:
> > Hi, according to the st Status, UTF-8 should be working. Much needed for
> > multilingual typing with ú, ü, ß, µ, ¿ etc.
> > However, I only get 00e9 if I type é; anything, I need to specify in
> > config.h?
> > Best, Robert
> Liks I said, I only use:
>         - login through getty (no display manager like lightdm, sddm, gdm...)
>         - no desktop environment, pure X.Org
>         - dwm as a window manager
>         - X.Org's native XKB configured with:
>                 setxkbmap -layout us,rs -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
>           which is executed by dwm on startup
> and I can input various characters in Cyrillic, as well as color emoji and
> other symbols using my own script[1].
> May I ask what shell are you using inside st? The only problem I noticed so 
> far 
> with my script, which uses xdotool(1) to type characters, is when I am using 
> it 
> while st is specifically executing mksh as a shell. With bash, dash and zsh 
> emoji are inserted correctly. This is undoubtedly some misconfiguration of 
> mksh 
> on my part, which I have yet to figure out in detail.
> However, when I type ordinary text, regardless if it is using Cyrillic 
> characters, using Serbian keyboard, or those characters you listed in your 
> original message, using Spanish keyboard, they are entered and displayed 
> correctly, even in mksh. I have captured a screenshot[2] as a proof of 
> concept. 
> In the first line in the screenshot, I have typed a command to configure XKB:
>       setxkbmap -layout us,es -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
> In the second line, I have typed characters after switching to Spanish layout 
> by pressing left Alt+Shift.
> In the third line, I have typed the characters I used to get characters in 
> the 
> previous line, after switching back to US layout.
> The other screenshot[3] demonstrates pasting a text containing color emoji 
> from 
> a web page into Bash running under st. I do have libxft-bgra patch for Xft 
> installed through an AUR package to show color emoji.
> [1]: https://git.sr.ht/~strahinja/dwm/tree/master/item/pickchar
> [2]: https://i.imgur.com/yWd2nPd.png
> [3]: https://i.imgur.com/7yTYHUY.png
> [4]: https://aur.archlinux.org/libxft-bgra.git

usually, I am using the fish 

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