On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 11:14:56AM -0400, fo...@dnmx.org wrote:
> > Hey, Fossy,
> >
> > please be mindful of how you style your e-mails, when there is a quoted
> > text, it is necessary to have an 'arrow' [>] at the start of each line,
> > otherwise it is not considered a quoted text. For example, this part:
> >
> > > > I don't think anyone is shocked by your messages. They just come off as
> > > crass. Imagine going to a conference in real life and one of the
> > > speakers goes on a 10 min rant filled with swearing and irrelevant
> > > material halfway through his talk. Some people might be offended. Most
> > > would be thinking "why am I wasting my time on this idiot?".
> >
> > means that only the first line is from the e-mail you have responded to,
> > the other four are from your very own keyboard (quoted in this case
> > because I am responding to that text).
> >
> > It's not a super huge deal, but it can mess up for example my highliting
> > in neomutt and could confuse some threading in different mailing clients.
> >
> > To see the messed up highlight, see attached image.
> >
> > Have a good one.
> > --
> > # Marcel Plch
> >
> > ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> > /\                        - against proprietary attachments
> >
> > ## What is that .asc attachment on my e-mails?
> >
> > * https://gnupg.org/
> >
> > ## Contact:
> >
> > * Website: https://plch.xyz
> > * Gitea: https://gitea.plch.xyz/dormouse
> > * Matrix: @dormouse:matrix.org
> Hi!
> Alright..
> I did know it looked weird, but I thought it was fine because I use a dodgy
> "dark-net" e-mail provider anyways, so the lining looked weird..
> So how I do it is download the file (don't bother copy-pasting, new-line
> doesn't get included so everything just gets joined in one line), and then
> do a
> pipe to `sed 's/^/> /'`.
> I format my lines to 79c if it matters.
> But I think everything breaks on the e-mail client in the browser... after
> all,
> I don't support ShitScripts in browsers, not have it enabled.
> I'll play a bit with e-mail web-site settings and see if that helps.
> Thanks for pointing it out, I do care how I look (starting from yesterday
> :P).
> EDIT: Ah, I know what happens.. I need to somehow get sed to split lines
> into multiple ones before appending the '> '.. because the e-mail client
> also splits them above 76 or something like that.. cool client, but fucks
> up shit like this.
> Any command or rather utility to do that? I'm looking at either sed with
> brackets somehow, or probably something like `split`, `tr`? :/

Just get a better e-mail provider. dnmx is cool when you need top-notch
anonymity, but this is just a regular dev forum.

I host my own and stuff works fine. (Dovecot, fetchmail, neomutt)

Vim has a nice feature for formatting text, you just visually select block
of text, press Gq and all text is <80c per line. Neomutt even passes some
argument to vim so that it trims lines automatically.

It's a difficult mindset to get into, but you just want to use the proper
tool for proper environment. All of us in this community tend to not do
that and just use the 'best by test' tools, but it really is important to
look for other solutions.

It's fairly easy to get really frustrated without even realizing it if
things just don't work and you keep to work around them all the time.

Check out this cool neomutt guide [0] and an RFC mail style guide [1] they host:
[0] - https://neomutt.org/
[1] - https://neomutt.org/rfc/1855
# Marcel Plch

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\                        - against proprietary attachments

## What is that .asc attachment on my e-mails?

* https://gnupg.org/

## Contact:

* Website: https://plch.xyz
* Gitea: https://gitea.plch.xyz/dormouse
* Matrix: @dormouse:matrix.org

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