> On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 11:14:56AM -0400, fo...@dnmx.org wrote:
> > > Hey, Fossy,
> > >
> > > please be mindful of how you style your e-mails, when there is a quoted
> > > text, it is necessary to have an 'arrow' [>] at the start of each line,
> > > otherwise it is not considered a quoted text. For example, this part:
> > >
> > > > > I don't think anyone is shocked by your messages. They just come
off as
> > > > crass. Imagine going to a conference in real life and one of the
> > > > speakers goes on a 10 min rant filled with swearing and irrelevant
> > > > material halfway through his talk. Some people might be offended.
> > > > would be thinking "why am I wasting my time on this idiot?".
> > >
> > > means that only the first line is from the e-mail you have responded
> > > the other four are from your very own keyboard (quoted in this case
> > > because I am responding to that text).
> > >
> > > It's not a super huge deal, but it can mess up for example my
> > > in neomutt and could confuse some threading in different mailing
> > >
> > > To see the messed up highlight, see attached image.
> > >
> > > Have a good one.
> > > --
> > > # Marcel Plch
> > >
> > > ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> > > /\                        - against proprietary attachments
> > >
> > > ## What is that .asc attachment on my e-mails?
> > >
> > > * https://gnupg.org/
> > >
> > > ## Contact:
> > >
> > > * Website: https://plch.xyz
> > > * Gitea: https://gitea.plch.xyz/dormouse
> > > * Matrix: @dormouse:matrix.org
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Alright..
> > I did know it looked weird, but I thought it was fine because I use a
> > "dark-net" e-mail provider anyways, so the lining looked weird..
> >
> > So how I do it is download the file (don't bother copy-pasting, new-line
> > doesn't get included so everything just gets joined in one line), and
> > do a
> > pipe to `sed 's/^/> /'`.
> > I format my lines to 79c if it matters.
> >
> > But I think everything breaks on the e-mail client in the browser...
> > all,
> > I don't support ShitScripts in browsers, not have it enabled.
> >
> > I'll play a bit with e-mail web-site settings and see if that helps.
> >
> > Thanks for pointing it out, I do care how I look (starting from yesterday
> > :P).
> >
> > EDIT: Ah, I know what happens.. I need to somehow get sed to split lines
> > into multiple ones before appending the '> '.. because the e-mail client
> > also splits them above 76 or something like that.. cool client, but fucks
> > up shit like this.
> >
> > Any command or rather utility to do that? I'm looking at either sed with
> > brackets somehow, or probably something like `split`, `tr`? :/
> >
> >
> Just get a better e-mail provider. dnmx is cool when you need top-notch
> anonymity, but this is just a regular dev forum.

I deny non-top-notch anonymity not only because I consider it
immoral/unfair to
myself, but also because my life depends on it.
I've said/made/shared things with solid logic/linked evidence that puts
governments and/or corporations in ugliest/darkest/evilest of lights, if that
makes sense.. as well as done a few fun things such as denying the law
manipulation over my life :).

> I host my own and stuff works fine. (Dovecot, fetchmail, neomutt)

I am considering running my own suckless e-mail server, but only and only
I make my computers go trough a router/firewall rules to be 100% sure
there are
no clear-net leaks possible :-).

I heard that e-mail software is usually ultra-complex?
How hard can it be?
suckless.org has 'Mail clients', but I see no 'Mail servers'. What is

> Vim has a nice feature for formatting text, you just visually select block
> of text, press Gq and all text is <80c per line. Neomutt even passes some
> argument to vim so that it trims lines automatically.

Vim is also bloated as hell at over 700000 SLOC (including comments and
everything, wc -l).. I'd rather just use pre-installed `vi`..
I did use Vim in the past. I do miss it, that's why I started my own text
editor that will be (I hope) as minimalistic as Vi, but as functional as Vim.
I seen there's vim-tiny or something? But I don't trust it to be suckless.

> It's fairly easy to get really frustrated without even realizing it if
> things just don't work and you keep to work around them all the time.

Pretty much my life :) (there eye problem I have for >1year).
I miss programming and feeling like a god creating my little, meaningful

> * Website: https://plch.xyz

Damn, you look chill. Share that calmness immediately!
I love people having their own web-sites, especially when they self-host,
especiallyx2 if it's over a holy-net(such as I2P)

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