> Hello suckless developers,

Salut Arthur !

> This is my first time here, I hope I'm doing everything correctly :)


> Already aware of and enthusiastic about the suckless philosophy, I
> started by exploring the text editors referenced there[1]. I was
> looking for the combination of a simple yet powerful editing model and
> a truly suckless development style. As none satisfied me, I decided to
> write my own.
> The result is edit[2] (yeah, quite creative on the name).
> […]
> I'm looking forward some feedback, so feel free
> to share your comments ;)

This looks pretty nice, I also like the fact that bindings
are easily configurables.
I have a few patches that I'll propose later after more usage.

One thing that I miss there though, as a luser, is editing history.
To me, undo-ing is very handy. I haven't looked
at the data structure yet, and I get that this isn't implemented
by design, but do you recall that would something complex to add?

> Happy hacking,


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