On Sun, 22 Oct 2023 11:12:09 +0200
Arthur Jacquin <art...@jacquin.xyz> wrote:

> Undo-ing is clearly a non-trivial feature.

I wrote my own editor (zedit or z) in the late '80s. At that time none
of the editors I was using had undo... so I didn't add it.

It wasn't until I switched to emacs a decade later that I had undo. I
added undo to z. It works 100% of the time in testing... but only
about 80% of the time if doing real heavy editing.

Luckily I only use z for light editing now, so the undo is good enough.

Basically, I agree that undo is hard.


P.S. I lost the link to the source code for edit. Could you resend it?

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