Wow, miss this list for a few days and boom!

Here's my attempt at a summary position:

- First of all, Asankha, why "synapse-transports.jar"?? That makes no sense to me- so if you have a bug in the VFS code you'll rev all the stuff? Why? There should be one jar per transport. Yes, lots of jar files but so what?

- Asankha, you seem to think that the only place transports that Synapse finds interesting are being done is in Synapse. What about CORBA? The code is in Axis2 (and Eranga is still waiting for his commit rights to come thru to finish that off) and of course supporting CORBA is very interesting for Synapse. So you're not solving whatever problem you perceive by saying "keep everything I care about in Synapse."

- I agree with that Axis2 transports should NOT be in the kernel jar. Can we finally agree (forget the history please) to that now and create new maven modules for each transport and put each one into its own jar? This is for the transports that are (or will remain) in ws/axis2.

- Given that these transports are usable by anyone building on Axis2 (and not just Synapse) and that they depend on Axis2 APIs, I believe they should be in a project which releases those transports against given versions of Axis2 APIs. My preference is that it should be in ws/commons/transports or a new sub-project called ws/transports. Asankha, what problem do you see in that approach? I think everyone would +1 you being the RM for this project ;-).

- Asankha if you're going to stick a strong -1 in the middle of this debate then I'm going to stick a strong -1 against the status quo of Synapse maintaining its own transports. I think the rules now call for us to keep talking ;-) ..

- How about the following compromise position:
- we create a new ws/transports project and move http and any other transports out of axis2 into that.
  - we kill the old NHTTP and JMS tranports in axis2
  - move JMS and SMTP out of synapse into the new project
- as a general rule, if Axis2 and Synapse are both going to ship the transport in their default distros, then we move the code here - for other transports we strongly encourage people to put them here to enable easier wider use (e.g., WSO2 Mashup Server would inherit all the transports in Axis2 but not those from Synapse .. I think Asankha would want the new and improved SMTP transport to be in the WSO2 Mashup Server too ;-)). Of course we can't enforce that but I would hope that we should be able to come to a sufficient community understanding between the Synapse and WS TLPs to make that work. - this project publishes each transport as a separate jar with a naming convention that identifies the axis2 (API) version it corresponds to. of course trunk will correspond to trunk as always - I'm ok with going one step further and even moving the Axis2 transport APIs into the project and for Axis2 to just use them. This is like what Axis2 does with Axiom for example.

The result is that the transports become an enabler for Axis2 (and Synapse and more) just as much as Axiom or XMLSchema is. The benefit is that they're no longer "Axis2's transports" or "Synapse's transports" but rather "those common transports". (I have to admit I didn't look at the code to evaluate the realisticness of this bit of the proposal - but the rest of it stands on its own anyway.)


Asankha C. Perera wrote:

Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Agreed that this is definitely a problem.

Next question, is do you want do this in Synapse Commons (do you have one?) or WS Commons?
We already have all the transports in a separate Maven module, which is published to Apache snapshots and Central repo.. As far as I am concerned, there is no requirement to re-package this code and ship it elsewhere.. If a user wants a particular transport as a separate module, they can ask for an enhancement for it, and we will do our best to facilitate it.

So if we are going to have a vote on this 'topic' on axis-dev, I am +1 to deleting the stale copies of the transports currently in Axis2.

But if you are going to call for a vote on [EMAIL PROTECTED] to remove critical code developed by the Synapse community from our SVN, to make it easier for axis2 users to "get" these transports, I'm definitely -1


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Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
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