Il giorno 18/gen/2013, alle ore 09.21, Jan Bernhardt ha scritto:

> Hi Fabio,
>>> === Renaming Service ===
>>> Rename AuthenticationController to EntitlementService(Impl), since
>> containing methods have little to nothing to do with authentication. It is 
>> only
>> about Entitlements...
>> Why not AuthorizationController or AccessController? I'd prefer the first 
>> one.
>> May be this controller will be improved to add access controller features int
>> the next future (please, take a look at the roadmap).
> I just took a look at the roadmap, and as far as I understand, authorization 
> features mentioned there are all about handling ENTITLEMENTS for different 
> realms and avoiding duplicates. REST based services are focusing on resources 
> and not processes. Authorization or AccessControl describes a process, 
> whereas Entitlement is the actual resource needed for Authorization 
> decisions. Let me give you an example. Authorization Services usually provide 
> a method like "user.hasRole(admin)" in RESTful design this would be mapped to 
> asking for an existing resource: Like 
> http://loclahost:9080/entitlements/users/4711/entitlements/admin if user with 
> id 4711 has role admin the response would be 200 OK (maybe with entitlement 
> object in response body). If user does not have the role admin, response code 
> would be 404 NOT FOUND, hence the caller would know that user 4711 is not 
> authorized.
> From this perspective, do you agree with me?

Actually, not.
In an AM scenario, the caller shouldn't know that a certain profile is 
authorized if and only if it has a certain role. This should be handled by the 
Access Manager.
Usually the caller ask for authorization to access to a certain resource; the 
access manager search against entitlements/access policies and give back an 

This is the reason why I'd suggest to use the prefix Authorization.
Of course, I think that this controller could also expose methods for 
entitlement retrieving to be used by an administration console.


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