On 21.01.2013 10:29, Andrei Shakirin wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to make a proposal regarding some Rest package names:
> 1.       Core services implementations: org.apache.syncope.core.services 
> (actually  org.apache.syncope.core.services.impl). "Impl"  ending doesn't 
> bring additional information and doesn't recommended by java best practices. 
> "rest" is deliberately not in package name, because implementation is 
> basically independent from Rest and can be potentially reused for other 
> remote interfaces.
Impl is a default name in OSGi to mark the package as private. So I
think it is not against best practices.

In this special case I agree though as the service api is defined in
org.apache.syncope.services. So the core part in
org.apache.syncope.core.services is already enough to separate those two

> 2.       Resource comparators and server exception mapper: 
> org.apache.syncope.core.rest.utils (actually org.apache.syncope.core.rest). 
> It makes purpose of these classes more clear.
Generally I don't like util packages. I would put these helpers into the
same package as the service impls as they are only referenced from there.
> 3.       Client exception mapper: org.apache.syncope.client.rest.utils 
> (unfortunately cannot be combined with server mapper, because server 
> exception mapper have a lot of dependencies of core specific exceptions).
Why not client.rest? If we keep the client proxy classes in some form we
could also put it there.


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