On 21.01.2013 11:14, Andrei Shakirin wrote:
> Hi Christian,
>>> 2.       Resource comparators and server exception mapper:
>> org.apache.syncope.core.rest.utils (actually org.apache.syncope.core.rest).
>> It makes purpose of these classes more clear.
>> Generally I don't like util packages. I would put these helpers into the same
>> package as the service impls as they are only referenced from there.
> They are referenced not from service package, but from spring service 
> configuration.
> Theoretically they can be used with some different service implementations.
> Perhaps "helpers" sounds better as "utils"?
The classes are referenced from the spring config but they belong to the
impl classes so why introduce a new package?

>>> 3.       Client exception mapper: org.apache.syncope.client.rest.utils
>> (unfortunately cannot be combined with server mapper, because server
>> exception mapper have a lot of dependencies of core specific exceptions).
>> Why not client.rest? If we keep the client proxy classes in some form we
>> could also put it there.
> I would like to keep it symmetric with core, otherwise it will be confusing.
Makes sense to make it similar to core. That is why I propose to also
avoid the util if we avoid it in core. Of course if we choose util in
core then it makes sense to do the same on the client side.


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