Il giorno 23/gen/2013, alle ore 09.54, Francesco Chicchiriccò ha scritto:

> On 23/01/2013 09:06, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
>> Hi Syncoper,
>> here are the proposed changes for our Configuration Service:
>> * Changing Create response type to This way we 
>> can set response HTTP Status code (201 created) without requiring 
>> HttpServletResponse as method parameter. Also according to best RESTful 
>> practices instead of returning newly created object directly, only URL for 
>> new Object (Configuration) will be returned. Console does not even care 
>> about created response, thus network traffic can be reduced, by not sending 
>> object (configuration). If consumer does care about new object he can easily 
>> follow provided URL (in response) and retrieve new object.
> If this is a REST best practice, fine for me.
>> * Changed ModelAndView response type to Set<ValidatorTO> / 
>> Set<MailTemplateTO> and introduced wrapper TO classes for ValidatorTO and 
>> MailTemplateTO.
> Fine.
>> * Changed return type from update() and delete()  to void, since console 
>> does not even care about it, and I think this should be best practice 
>> anyway, since consumer knows updates object already and does not care about 
>> deleted ones, therefore there is no need to send them over the network.
> About update() I can agree with you: since the updated entity (user, role, 
> ...) is still there, an URL can be returned as in the create() case reported 
> above.
> About delete() however, not retuning the deleted entity can break the current 
> feature: once again, please don't think that the admin console is the only 
> REST client out there.

The response provided by the delete is also used to know the outcome of the 
deletion performed onto the external resources.

> Regards.
> -- 
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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