> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sergey Beryozkin [mailto:sberyoz...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013 10:52
> To: dev@syncope.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] New REST Service Interfaces - ConfigurationService
> Hi Jan
> On 23/01/13 08:06, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
> > Hi Syncoper,
> >
> > here are the proposed changes for our Configuration Service:
> >
> > * Changing Create response type to javax.ws.rs.core.Response. This way
> we can set response HTTP Status code (201 created) without requiring
> HttpServletResponse as method parameter. Also according to best RESTful
> practices instead of returning newly created object directly, only URL for new
> Object (Configuration) will be returned. Console does not even care about
> created response, thus network traffic can be reduced, by not sending
> object (configuration). If consumer does care about new object he can easily
> follow provided URL (in response) and retrieve new object.
> >
> I think it is fine echoing back the created resource representation (alongside
> Location) when it can help the client to avoid the extra round trip, I guess 
> it
> depends on the actual requirements of the console client

I would think that for roles and users it would be best to directly responding 
created objects since they contain propagation information. 
For all other resources our console does not even care about, so there is no 
need to directly respond them. 
If other "consoles" do care, they can follow the provided URL or call interface 
read operation with provided ID (from response header).

> > * Changed ModelAndView response type to Set<ValidatorTO>  /
> Set<MailTemplateTO>  and introduced wrapper TO classes for ValidatorTO
> and MailTemplateTO.
> >
> One thing I should mention is that auto-describing the explicit collections is
> tricky in WADL, though of course one can register a custom WADL document
> with CXF; personally I prefer using collection wrapper beans - it is simpler 
> to
> get them described and also easier to attach some more metadata to such
> collection in the form of the wrapper properties, that said, returning the
> explicit collections will also work

Interesting point. Thanks for this feedback Sergey. I currently do not see any 
need for additional metadata, so I would rather want to avoid additional 
refactoring work, even thou I think using a "WrapperClass" would be a better 
interface design.
Do you expect this WADL generation problem to remain for a long time? I would 
rather not want to change my interface design due to a temporal missing feature 
of another component...

Best regards.

> Cheers, Sergey
> > * Changed return type from update() and delete()  to void, since console
> does not even care about it, and I think this should be best practice anyway,
> since consumer knows updates object already and does not care about
> deleted ones, therefore there is no need to send them over the network.
> >
> > Any objections?
> >
> > Best regards.
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Jan Bernhardt [mailto:jbernha...@talend.com]
> >> Sent: Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2013 14:04
> >> To: dev@syncope.apache.org
> >> Subject: RE: [Discussion] New REST Service Interfaces - Entitlements
> >>
> >> Hi Syncoper,
> >>
> >> The following changes are proposed regarding  AuthenticationController:
> >>
> >> === Renaming Service ===
> >> Rename AuthenticationController to EntitlementService(Impl), since
> >> containing methods have little to nothing to do with authentication.
> >> It is only about Entitlements...
> >>
> >> === Changing response Type ===
> >> listEntitlements() returns a List<String>  whereas getEntitlements()
> >> returns a Set<String>.
> >>
> >>  From my point of view both methods should return a SET since
> >> entitlements have no order and cannot exists or be assigned more than
> once.
> >>
> >> Due to some JAX-B / JAX-RS limitations, it is not possible to return
> >> a collection with primitive data types in java. A wrapper class is 
> >> required,
> e.g.
> >> Set<EntitlementTO>.
> >>
> >> EntitlementTO can be modeled in one of two ways:
> >>
> >> Option 1:
> >> <EntitlementTOs>
> >>     <EntitlementTO>ROLE_ADMIN</EntitlementTO>
> >>     <EntitlementTO>ROLE_SUPERUSER</EntitlementTO>
> >> </EntitlementTOs>
> >>
> >> Option 2:
> >> <EntitlementTOs>
> >>     <EntitlementTO>
> >>        <name>ROLE_ADMIN</name>
> >>    </EntitlementTO>
> >>     <EntitlementTO>
> >>        <name>  ROLE_SUPERUSER</name>
> >>    </EntitlementTO>
> >> </EntitlementTOs>
> >>
> >> Option 1 matches more or less current marshaling. I personally would
> >> prefer Option 2 because this would give us the opportunity to easily
> >> extend EntitlementTO at a later point (if needed) without becoming
> >> incompatible with previous version.
> >>
> >> WDYT?
> >>
> >> All of these changes will not apply to current Spring
> >> Controller/Services, but only future CXF REST Service. So
> >> AuthenticationController will not be renamed now, and responsetype of
> >> AuthenticationController will not change. Changes only apply for new
> >> Service Interface and (Proxy) Implementation.
> >>
> >> Best regards.
> >> Jan

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