
One more topic to discuss:
Currently integration tests run using communication using JSON contentType only.
For new CXF-based tests we are going to run every tests twice: with XML and 
JSON [1].

JUnit proposes elegant solution using parameterized tests: 
http://junit.sourceforge.net/javadoc/org/junit/runners/Parameterized.html .
Basically it works fine, but unfortunately (as Francesco already noted) 
individual tests cannot be executed from Surefire or Failsafe plugins as well 
as from some IDEs.
The problem is that Parameterized runner expect individual test description in 
form ClassName#MethodName[Number]. This form cannot be specified in maven 
command line, because method name will be not correctly resolved.
I do not see any acceptable solution for Parameterized runner now and propose 
following alternatives:

1.       Create two classes per each test inherited from common parent for all 
CXF tests (e.g. AuthenticationTestXMLTestITCase, 
AuthenticationTestJsonTestITCase). Always run both variants.

2.       Leave single test classes and configure contentType in AbstractTest 
with default value JSON. Normally run only JSON tests (like now). Make XML 
tests runnable via separate profile / configuration.

3.        ...



[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-289

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