On 01/02/2013 17:32, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
Hi Syncoper,

I'm almost done with new REST API Service Interface documentation [1]. Last 
peace missing is only User Service. Please take time to review changes to new 
Service Interfaces and let's have a discussion on this mailing-list. I think we 
already discussed all general changes, but if you find something missing, just 
continue this discussion.

I have a couple of proposals for changes in User Service Interface, which I 
would like to get your feedback for. After we all agree with User Interface I 
will update Interface and Documentation accordingly.

1. User Controller contains 5 methods focusing on workflow activities. My 
proposal would be to move these methods to Workflow Service interface. We could 
leave business code in UserController class for 1.1.0 release and only change 
User and Workflow Service Interfaces for now, so that this change will only be 
visible to new CXF REST API.

The WorkflowController is a general interface for managing and querying the workflow definitions (that can vary depending on the standard or custom workflow adapters you have on your own project).

The workflow-related methods in UserController (and RoleController BTW) are there because they are involved in user (and role) lifecycle management.

Given these things, I wouldn't make any movement.

2. There are quite some many methods capable of handling username and userId 
likewise (suspendByUsername, deleteByUsername). As far as I can see console 
does not use any of them (*byUsername). From my point of view, these methods 
are redundant (except one), since you can always get user id by readUser(String 
username) operation. My proposal would be to not support these methods in new 
interface any longer.

The username-based methods were introduced for making more user-friendly the invocation of user methods, even from command line using tools like curl; the admin console was built before that, and hence it's using the former id-based methods.

I agree that username-based are redundant, but they were introduced to increase the ease of use, not the efficiency.

3. There are two methods (and status types) to activate an user account. 
ACTIVATE and REACTIVATE. From my point of view REACTIVATE is redundant, since 
it shouldn't matter if user was active previously or not. All that matters is 
that user should be active afterwards. Therefore my proposal would be to remove 
REACTIVATE status type and also reactivate operation method.

Activate and reactivate are differentiated at UserWorkflowAdapter level because they are in fact two distinct operations. This difference is then naturally reflected into the REST interface.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SYNCOPE/REST+API+upgrade

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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