> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francesco Chicchiriccò [mailto:ilgro...@apache.org]
> Sent: Freitag, 1. Februar 2013 17:45
> To: dev@syncope.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] User Service
> On 01/02/2013 17:32, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
> > Hi Syncoper,
> >
> > I'm almost done with new REST API Service Interface documentation [1].
> Last peace missing is only User Service. Please take time to review changes to
> new Service Interfaces and let's have a discussion on this mailing-list. I 
> think
> we already discussed all general changes, but if you find something missing,
> just continue this discussion.
> >
> > I have a couple of proposals for changes in User Service Interface, which I
> would like to get your feedback for. After we all agree with User Interface I
> will update Interface and Documentation accordingly.
> >
> > 1. User Controller contains 5 methods focusing on workflow activities. My
> proposal would be to move these methods to Workflow Service interface.
> We could leave business code in UserController class for 1.1.0 release and
> only change User and Workflow Service Interfaces for now, so that this
> change will only be visible to new CXF REST API.
> The WorkflowController is a general interface for managing and querying the
> workflow definitions (that can vary depending on the standard or custom
> workflow adapters you have on your own project).
> The workflow-related methods in UserController (and RoleController BTW)
> are there because they are involved in user (and role) lifecycle management.
> Given these things, I wouldn't make any movement.

OK, it still doesn't feel right to me, but of course we still can make 
refactoring's at  a later time, when we all feel a greater need to do so.

> > 2. There are quite some many methods capable of handling username and
> userId likewise (suspendByUsername, deleteByUsername). As far as I can
> see console does not use any of them (*byUsername). From my point of
> view, these methods are redundant (except one), since you can always get
> user id by readUser(String username) operation. My proposal would be to
> not support these methods in new interface any longer.
> The username-based methods were introduced for making more user-
> friendly the invocation of user methods, even from command line using tools
> like curl; the admin console was built before that, and hence it's using the
> former id-based methods.
> I agree that username-based are redundant, but they were introduced to
> increase the ease of use, not the efficiency.

IMHO I would not add so many convenience functions to core interface, just for 
tools like curl. Any adaptor of syncope should rather use IDs than (temporary) 
names. I think these kind of convenience functions would belong to a rich 
syncope client [SYNCOPE-150], rather than core interface.

One problem with username is, that it makes sub-resource access more difficult 
or increases potential path collisions with other resources. 

Of course we can keep these methods as they currently are, but I would still 
like to remove them.

Who else has an opinion on this matter?

> > 3. There are two methods (and status types) to activate an user account.
> ACTIVATE and REACTIVATE. From my point of view REACTIVATE is redundant,
> since it shouldn't matter if user was active previously or not. All that 
> matters
> is that user should be active afterwards. Therefore my proposal would be to
> remove REACTIVATE status type and also reactivate operation method.
> Activate and reactivate are differentiated at UserWorkflowAdapter level
> because they are in fact two distinct operations. This difference is then
> naturally reflected into the REST interface.

One strength of a REST is its "STATELESS" design [1], which brings many 
advantages IMHO. So I would still recommend to refactor our current REST 
implementation. Of course we don't need to do this for 1.1.0 release. But do 
you agree that this would be a valuable improvement and that I should create a 
JIRA issue for that?

Best regards.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer#Constraints

> Regards.
> > [1]
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SYNCOPE/REST+API+upgrade
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member
> http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/

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