
Analyses shows, that real reason of failed/unstable tests is not AUTO 
generation strategy itself as reported in [1], but collision between newly 
created and pre-configured entries.
Actually following entities have AUTO generation strategy:
- AbstractDerAttr
- AbstractVirAttr
- Notification
- UserRequest
- UAttr

I propose tree possible ways to fix the problem:
A) Increase Id of corresponded pre-configured entities to large number (>1000) 
to make collision non probable.
B) Avoid pre-configured objects for all entities with AUTO generation strategy. 
Redesign tests to create necessary data on the fly
C) Change AUTO generation strategy to TABLE one.

(A) is easiest, but looks like workaround for me. (B) sounds as the most 
reasonable. (C) is possible, but requires change in persistence strategy just 
because of tests (not the best practice)



[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-298

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