Hi Syncopers,

I'm currently using Syncope 1.0.6 and I've just checked on Syncope roadmap [1].
The following features doesn't seams available or already included in the 
roadmap (am I wrong) ?

-          Account Expiration (disable user on all resources that support 
enable/disable or change the password on resources that doesn't support it)

-          Password Expiration/Expired (force password change - on Syncope and 

-          Grace Period: number of logins (or period) allowed after password 
expiration (on Syncope and resources**)

-          Account Lock (explicit or automatic lock for a certain amount of 
time after a number of wrong credentials - on Syncope and resources**)

-          Events/Notifications for account/password expiration, 
account/password expired, account locked


Best regards.

** these features needs an enhanced connector that support it.

[1] - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SYNCOPE/Roadmap

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