this sounds much like something to be discussed at u...@syncope.apache.org

You need first to subscribe there by sending an e-mail to
user-subscr...@syncope.apache.org and then you will be able to post yuor
message (and see replies).


On 02/04/2013 10:18, ZhiYing Yan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a developer of Talend.
> I need to write a checker which get if the syncope username and password used 
> are right or not.
> But I don't know how?
> After I open the syncope , I can access 
> http://localhost:9080/syncope-console, and then input user id and password, 
> then I can see the content.
> And  after access http://localhost:9080/syncope/cxf/users in browser and 
> input username/password, it shows the correct users.
> I mean the syncope service has been started correct. And the 
> username/password is also correct.
> I tried the following code but always get 404.
>   PingService service = 
> JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://localhost:9080/syncope/cxf";, 
> PingService.class);
> WebClient.getConfig(service).getHttpConduit().getClient().setReceiveTimeout(300000);
>                 String guestAuthzHeaderForArtifactTransfer = "Basic " + 
> Base64Utility.encode((username + ":" + password).getBytes());
>                 if (guestAuthzHeaderForArtifactTransfer != null) {
>                     WebClient.client(service).header("Authorization", 
> guestAuthzHeaderForArtifactTransfer);
>                 }
>                 service.pingWithAuthz(); // get 404 here.
> Is the url http://localhost:9080/syncope/cxf wrong, or the way use webclient 
> wrong?
> Could you tell me how to check the username/password with java code?
> Thanks and Regards!
> --
> Jill Yan
> ESB team web developer
> Skype: yanzhiying.talendbj
> Email: z...@talend.com<mailto:z...@talend.com>
Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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