On 02/08/2013 10:22, Guido Wimmel wrote:
is there a specific reason for the particular fixed choice of characters allowed in Syncope usernames?
( AccountPolicyEnforcer.PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9-_@. ]+"); )
We use email addresses as usernames, so we had create our own modified copy of
AccountPolicyEnforcer to extend the pattern
(e.g. allowing the '+' sign).
Hi Guido,
this seems more than reasonable to me, and I don't remember any valid
reason to keep that regexp as static there: may Fabio is able to provide
some insight?
Maybe this could also be made configurable by extending AccountPolicySpec? (I
could possibly try and provide a patch)
Nice idea: we can always re-discuss this if Fabio or other is able to
add information.
Side note: since it seems that you are now getting more involved with
Syncope (and this is definitely good IMHO), I'd encourage you to sign
and submit an ICLA [1].
[1] http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
Francesco Chicchiriccò
ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member