Awesome work Giacomo.

On Friday 04 April 2014 06:07:51 Giacomo Lamonaco wrote:
> Hi all,
> as you know, in the previous months I worked on an early integration of
>  Apache Camel in Syncope. The original purpose was to introduce a new
>  component, the provisioning manager, that deals with user and role
>  management. We decided to use Camel as base of the new component: we
>  supposed that Camel routes could be used to express the provisioning
>  logic.. and maybe we were right.
> In these months I simplified both the user and the role controller: every
>  operation that had to do with these two concepts (i.e. user creation),has
>  been moved in the provisioning manager and now it's expressed using a
>  route. This means that now we have a more accurate control on what's
>  happening in the provisioning process and, using the right syntax, we can
>  define complex behaviour.
> In the last part of the work, we decided to focus more on the Syncope
>  Console: we decided to add a new REST service that allows to read the
>  routes definitions, and possibly modify them. You can find this new
>  service under the Configuration section. In this case, routes are
>  expressed through Spring DSL.
> We decided to extend the Syncope Console for one main reason: Camel allows
>  to add/remove routes at runtime, without stopping its context. In our
>  case, since Camel routes represent part of Syncope provisioning logic, we
>  are able to update some provisioning behaviour by changing the route
>  content. In other word, if we want to change some provisioning logic, now
>  we don't need to stop Syncope and create a new classes: we can do it
>  directly in the console, without stopping Syncope.
> As a final result, I made a video [1] that shows how to work with the new
>  component. In my case, I'm updating the user creation route at runtime:
>  with this modification, every time a new user is added, an email is sent
>  to system administrator.
> What do you think? It make sense to integrate this work in Syncope?
> Let me know!
> Thanks for your attention.
> [1]

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