On 02/09/2014 21:21, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
Hi guys !

you are using travis as a CI,

Hi Emmanuel,
that's wrong, *we* (including you) - e.g. Syncope - are using Travis as CI ;-)

and this tool is generating tons of
messages which are now going through moderation. It's a bit of an
annoyance for moderators, who have to check each single message before
accepting or deleting it.

Could you please tune your CI so that it sends the message in a
dedicated mailing list, different from the dev ML? That would be easier
for people who are not interested in those messages to add a filter to
discard them automatically.

For anyone interested, here is the original thread [1] which lead to using Travis CI with Jukka Zitting's support and a further discussion [2] about the impossibility to avoid moderation - Travis is using every time a different sender address.

I don't think we can ask infra to setup a non-moderated mailing list as Emmanuel suggests; however, a simple alternative could be to create a new GMail address - say syncope-tra...@gmail.com - and configure it to forward all incoming messages from Travis to dev@s.a.o Naturally the password for accessing such new address would be sent to private@s.a.o so that any PMC member can manage it.


[1] https://mail-search.apache.org/members/private-arch/syncope-private/201304.mbox/%3c516563d1.6090...@apache.org%3E
[2] http://markmail.org/message/ehuxjazbodyi5nyr

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC

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