----- Messaggio originale -----
> Da: "Sergey Beryozkin" <sberyoz...@gmail.com>
> A: "dev" <dev@syncope.apache.org>
> Inviato: Martedì, 28 giugno 2016 17:00:05
> Oggetto: Re: REST API authentication in 2.0.0

> 403 is typically reported when the authenticated user is forbidden (not
> in some role) to access a given resource. So might be a regression. I'm
> not 100% sure if some sites do return 403 instead of 401 though when the
> authentication fails. Possible confusion can arise given that 401 error
> message is "Unauthorized"

My experience is 100% with 403 for authenticated user with no permissions (e.g 
roles), 401 for a resource that needs an authenticated user and you are trying 
to use it without authentication.


> Cheers, Sergey
> On 28/06/16 15:40, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just wanted to check before filing a JIRA. With the latest 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT,
>> I noticed that accessing the REST API without supplying a username/password
>> returns 403 as opposed to the old 401.
>> wget http://localhost:9080/syncope/rest/users
>> --2016-06-28 15:40:01--  http://localhost:9080/syncope/rest/users
>> Resolving localhost (localhost)...
>> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:9080... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403
>> 2016-06-28 15:40:01 ERROR 403: (no description).
>> Whereas with 1.2.7:
>> wget http://localhost:9080/syncope/rest/users
>> --2016-06-28 15:29:42--  http://localhost:9080/syncope/rest/users
>> Resolving localhost (localhost)...
>> Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:9080... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
>> Username/Password Authentication Failed.
>> This means that if you open up a web browser and try to access say:
>> http://localhost:9080/syncope/rest/users
>> a pop-up windows does not appear for the user to enter the user/password.
>> Was there a reason for this change or will I file a bug?
>> Thanks,
>> Colm.

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