Hi Misagh,

thanks for you interest in the proposal :)

Il 17/09/19 09:41, Misagh Moayyed ha scritto:
I think it's a very good idea, and should fit quite nicely with the auditing 
capabilities of the system to make auditors happy :) I have done some brief 
work with JaVers myself while I was evaluating it for very similar 
requirements; it's a an easy-to-use library and also has decent and flexible 
persistent mechanisms for record keeping; also somewhat Boot friendly. Maybe 
the two can work with each other in fact; you'd have JaVers as the high-level 
abstraction that keeps track of history and audits, while the persistence 
mechanisms are pushed out to different systems, one of which could be handled 
by Spring Data JPA, while also allowing for MongoDb and etc.
Yes I had the chance to work with it several times, too and can confirm the high usability and easy configurability through very minimal code changes.

A few things about history and audits in general that I think would be useful:

1. This should be an optional thing; one should have the ability to turn it off 
and I'd argue that it perhaps should be kept off by default until at least a 
release passes to avoid surprises.
2. Audit data can grow quite large depending on system activity and may blow out the 
storage system or cause performance issues, etc. There should be some sort of 
"automatic clean up" process that purges records after a reasonable time 
period, or sufficient warnings that adopters are to do the cleanup themselves.

I agree about this two points, data growth is my biggest concern. Very nice idea the cleanup process! I would add them to the requirements list.


Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Patricelli" <andreapatrice...@apache.org>
To: "dev" <dev@syncope.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 12:02:25 PM
Subject: [DISCUSS] Object versioning
Hi all,

in several of the last Syncope projects we recently worked on, we faced
a recurring issue: data inconsistency (at business level) and the need
to know who did what on some object.

For "data inconsistency" I do not mean any issue related to database
records or provisioning, but the values of the user attributes at the
business level (identity info, groups or resources assigned, etc.).
Often a sysadmin wonders about "why this attribute has changed?" or "who
did this (wrong) change, how can I recover the previous value?"
Changes I'm referring to can come from automatic tasks (pull, scheduled)
or manual tasks performed by admin or manager users.
Syncope already provides info about last change date, change password
date or last modifier user, but in my opinion are not enough to
understand the history of the record.

This is why I'm proposing to add to Syncope the possibility of
versioning objects. Something similar has been done for connectors and
resources configurations [1]. It is not a simple work I know :)

Here are some requirements that I was thinking of:

  * Versioning should be done on all objects, USER, GROUP and ANY.
  * Versioning could be heavy for systems with thousands or million of
    users, so it should be a feature to enable/disable at each moment of
    the project lifecycle. It should also be tunable, e.g. store only
    attributes and not resources, groups, etc.
  * In a first release I would leave apart all issues related to
    provisioning. I would simply version data stored on Syncope database
  * User should have the possibility to see a diff of what has changed
    like per connectors and resources configurations.
  * User should have the possibility to restore a certain value (or the
    whole object?)
  * User should be able to see, at least (in a first release), an
    history of what has changed on data (e.g. name: foo -> bar) and who
    did the change and when.
  * User should be able to query by changed data like users who are
    subject to "name" change in a certain period (not so useful, maybe).

There are some usefu l open source libraries that support objects
versioning like JaVers [2] or [3], but I'm not sure if this last one
fits all the needs above. If you have any other proposal please don't
hesitate to attach it in this thread.


Have a nice day,

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-1145

[2] https://javers.org/


Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

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