On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 2:45 PM, Frederick R Reiss <frre...@us.ibm.com>

> Hi all,
> Since we have fixed a number of issues since the 0.9.0 release, it's about
> time to do a maintenance release of SystemML. As a reminder, the release
> process goes as follows:
> Step 1: Identify the full set of fixes to be backported into the 0.9.x
> branch.
> Step 2: Backport the fixes and their associated regression tests to the
> 0.9.x branch.
> Step 3: Run all automated regression tests on the 0.9.x branch.
> Step 4: Use the script dev/release/release-build.sh to create release
> packages.
> Step 5: Post the release packages on repository.apache.org.
> Step 6: Simultaneously hold a vote on the release and manually test the
> release.
> Step 7: Make the release public.
Note that you need to get the released approved in the IPMC before making
it public. This means another vote on general@a.o

> We are currently at step 1. Please reply to this thread with (a) JIRA IDs
> of resolved issues that you believe should be in the mainentance release
> and (b) JIRA ids of open issues that must be fixed before we can do the
> maintenance release.
> Fred

Luciano Resende

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