Hi all,

Since we have fixed a number of issues since the 0.9.0 release, it's about
time to do a maintenance release of SystemML. As a reminder, the release
process goes as follows:

Step 1: Identify the full set of fixes to be backported into the 0.9.x

Step 2: Backport the fixes and their associated regression tests to the
0.9.x branch.

Step 3: Run all automated regression tests on the 0.9.x branch.

Step 4: Use the script dev/release/release-build.sh to create release

Step 5: Post the release packages on repository.apache.org.

Step 6: Simultaneously hold a vote on the release and manually test the

Step 7: Make the release public.

We are currently at step 1. Please reply to this thread with (a) JIRA IDs
of resolved issues that you believe should be in the mainentance release
and (b) JIRA ids of open issues that must be fixed before we can do the
maintenance release.


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