Hi all,

Thought it may be a good idea to implement some measures on getting new
users to adopt SystemML. At the moment, I feel there is a big learning
curve and that we could make it easier through clearer tutorials and
examples, a better user experience on the website (continuing the process
of making it better), more articles that explain SystemML at a high level
and how to use it/why it's important. I also think we should get more
questions and answers on Stack Overflow so that overcoming issues is a bit
easier for new users. Longer-term I'd also love to see a course taught
online such as on Coursera as well as in university classrooms so that
people in the field adopt SystemML more early-on.

Also Deron and Mike had some interesting suggestions about visibility. They
suggested having projects using SystemML on personal Github accounts as
well as mentioning SystemML as a skill on LinkedIn.

Would love to know if others agree and/or have suggestions.


*Madison J. Myers*
*UC Berkeley, Master of Information & Data Science '17*

*King's College London, MA Political Science '14*
*New York University, BA Political Science '12*

      LinkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/madisonjmyers>

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