Required means that the value is required for the operation of the
component. It does not mean that it must be explicitly bound when the
component can provide a default. The parameter description will
describe when a default can be provided automatically.

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 5:20 AM, Bob Harner <> wrote:
> Wow, I am truly stunned. I'm not sure I've  ever seen a piece of software so
> completely disregard the common sense meaning of a commonly understood word.
> So "required" sometimes means "optional if certain conditions are met
> elsewhere". And users are just supposed to figure that out on their own???
> Bob Harner
> On Aug 21, 2011 7:03 AM, "Igor Drobiazko" <> wrote:
>> The semantics are "the parameter is required. If no value is bound, the
>> component will TRY to find a default. The lookup for a default value might
>> be successful or not".
>> For example, imagine you pass a list of Users to AjaxFormLoop and don't
> bind
>> a ValueEncoder. If no ValueEncoder for User is contributed, no default can
>> be found and the component will complain about missing binding. That makes
>> sense as the parameter is required.
>> If you are using Hibernate or JPA integration, there is a ValueEncoder
>> contributed automatically for every entity. In such a case, the default
> can
>> be found even though you didn't contribute any ValueEncoder manually.
>> In summary: depending on the configuration of your app, a default
>> ValueEncoder can be found or not. That's why marking the encoder parameter
>> as required makes absolutely sense.
>> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Bob Harner <> wrote:
>>> my other question would be why the "encoder"
>>> parameter is marked as "required" for AjaxFormLoop, Hidden and
>>> RadioGroup. After all, as Robert Z. says, those components seem to
>>> have the ability to supply the default encoder based on the bound type
>>> of value. My brain is a little sleep-deprived, so maybe I'm just not
>>> understanding how this really makes sense.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Drobiazko

Howard M. Lewis Ship

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