No, there's no need for complete page state in any request. In the example I 
gave, we restored the necessary state with just one query parameter: "filter". 
Component contexts looked after the rest.

Think of it as bringing @ActivationRequestParameter down from the page level to 
the component/zone level, just for AJAX.

When there's no AJAX, @ActivationRequestParameter works fine: during page 
render every requester in the page (Form, EventLink, etc) gets the activation 
request parameters baked into its URLs. Every request that comes in sets the 

But when there is AJAX, each server-side component needs a way to return its 
activation request parameters and have the client-side update every URL in the 
page, not just the URLs in the returned zone(s). That's all I'm proposing.

On 20/03/2014, at 12:59 AM, Chris Poulsen wrote:

> Hi,
> The over all idea is really interesting and nice, but I think it is a hard
> one to implement correctly in the framework.
> Having complete page state in GET requests (as context/parameters) may be
> troublesome for complex pages with a lot of state (there seem to be an URL
> size limit around 2000 chars).
> Using POST may be an option for some things or a totally different paradigm
> where state is kept server side and the key to locate the state is passed
> around could be possible... Even though the existing solutions with the
> server side state clearly has their own set of issues.
> The discussion is very interesting though ;)
> -- 
> Chris

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