For whatever reasons, I don't seem to have received the copy sent 30/May. Probably an issue at my end.

On 2016-05-30 23:24, Stian Soiland-Reyes <> wrote:
Sorry about the delay.. bank holiday weekend in the UK - for once with>
lovely weather!>

Draft report added to>
(not May2016)>

Comments welcome below, or as changes in the incubator wiki.>


Taverna is a domain-independent suite of tools used to design and execute>
data-driven workflows.>

Taverna has been incubating since 2014-10-20.>

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:>

  1. Project maturity evaluation>

What about adding "getting all the code out" and "growing the community".

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be>
aware of?>

It is worth mentioning the situation with regard to mentors.

  ASF guidance on US export ECCN cryptography registration>>
  has not yet been updated for the 2010 rule changes, confusion>
  around this classification caused Taverna delays.>

  Many registrations on are>
  outdated (e.g. graduated podlings and 404 source repos),>
  these need to be updated by each PMC - see>>

Not the focus for the Taverna report.

How has the community developed since the last report?>

  Two GSOC students now active. The third applicant accepted>
  with Apache Mifos instead - but is still in touch and willing>
  to help a fourth student who volunteered to contribute independently.>
  Another student willing to contribute a new plugin.>

  A total of four ICLAs registered - however these students need>
  further encouragement and guidance to submit regular pull requests.>

  dev@taverna mailing lists stats:>

  Mar 2016: 312>
  Apr 2016: 102>
  May 2015: 184>


  Mar 2016: 12>
  Apr 2016: 6>
  May 2015: 1>

  JIRA issues over last 90 days:>

  49 created>
  25 resolved>

How has the project developed since the last report?>

  Preparations for release of the main workflow engine has had focus,>
  including build stability across platforms,>
  documentation update and US Export classifications of>
  encryption items (which caused some delays).>

  Taverna Engine/Command Line Release candidate now under vote.>

  Traffic on users@ show interest mainly on Taverna Server, so>
  this component should probably be the development>
  focus after GSOC.>

I think that GSoC needs to be separate from work to get Taverna to graduate. GSoC is good but not a hard dependency for graduation.

Date of last release:>

  2016-03-11 taverna-osgi-0.2.1-incubating>
  2016-03-11 taverna-language-0.15.1-incubating>

  Release Candidates under vote:>
  taverna-engine, taverna-common-activities, taverna-commandline>

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?>



  [ ](taverna) Andy Seaborne>
  [ ](taverna) Daniel J Debrunner>
  [ ](taverna) Suresh Srinivas>
  [ ](taverna) Suresh Marru>
  [ ](taverna) Marlon Pierce>

Shepherd/Mentor notes:>

There is still a lack of active mentors.


On 27 May 2016 at 01:40,  <> wrote:>
> Dear podling,>
> This email was sent by an automated system on behalf of the Apache>
> Incubator PMC. It is an initial reminder to give you plenty of time to>
> prepare your quarterly board report.>
> The board meeting is scheduled for Wed, 15 June 2016, 10:30 am PDT.>
> The report for your podling will form a part of the Incubator PMC>
> report. The Incubator PMC requires your report to be submitted 2 weeks>
> before the board meeting, to allow sufficient time for review and>
> submission (Wed, June 1st).>
> Please submit your report with sufficient time to allow the Incubator>
> PMC, and subsequently board members to review and digest. Again, the>
> very latest you should submit your report is 2 weeks prior to the board>
> meeting.>
> Thanks,>
> The Apache Incubator PMC>
> Submitting your Report>
> ---------------------->
> Your report should contain the following:>
> *   Your project name>
> *   A brief description of your project, which assumes no knowledge of>
>     the project or necessarily of its field>
> *   A list of the three most important issues to address in the move>
>     towards graduation.>
> *   Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be>
>     aware of>
> *   How has the community developed since the last report>
> *   How has the project developed since the last report.>
> This should be appended to the Incubator Wiki page at:>
> Note: This is manually populated. You may need to wait a little before>
> this page is created from a template.>
> Mentors>
> ------->
> Mentors should review reports for their project(s) and sign them off on>
> the Incubator wiki page. Signing off reports shows that you are>
> following the project - projects that are not signed may raise alarms>
> for the Incubator PMC.>
> Incubator PMC>

-- >
Stian Soiland-Reyes>
Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons>>

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