Hey Jake,

I think consolidating the tutorial and cross language tests would be great.
Would eliminate a lot of redundancy. Makes the tutorial world a little more
complex but gives us one place to point to for example code and the
examples would be more robust.


On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Jake Farrell <jfarr...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey Roger
> Excellent discussion thread to start, this is one key area we have
> struggled with for awhile.
> Thoughts on moving them all into /docs and naming them appropriately? I
> think this would be a better approach and make it easier to link and cross
> reference between the docs and would make it easier to add all of them into
> /docs on the website. Having all of the documentation spread across the
> codebase will also make small updates harder and for new users to search
> for information. If everyone is in favor of the README.md files in each
> specific location then we can come up with something to map and filter them
> into content for the website.
> On a related note, what does everyone think of removing /test and using
> /tutorials for cross language testing instead. This could make the
> tutorials more robust and keep from having duplicate code samples in tests
> and tutorials.
> -Jake
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Roger Meier <ro...@bufferoverflow.ch>
> wrote:
> > Hi Jake & co
> >
> > Do you have any trick to integrate some readme's located within the
> source
> > tree?
> >
> > Source file:                                                  Web Site
> URL:
> > test/README.md
> thrift.apache.org/test
> > test/STATUS.md
> > thrift.apache.org/test/status
> > test/keys/README.md                          thrift.apache.org/test/keys
> > lib/<lang>/README.md                         thrift.apache.org/lib/
> <lang>
> > lib/<lang>/test/README.md               thrift.apache.org/lib/
> <lang>/test
> > lib/<lang>/examples/README.md   thrift.apache.org/lib/<lang>/examples
> > compiler/cpp/README                          thrift.apache.org/compiler
> > debian/README
> > thrift.apache.org/debian
> > contrib/<topic>/README                     thrift.apache.org/<topic>
> >
> > Name consistency is another topic...
> > What about renaming all README files to README.md and start use markdown
> > all
> > over?
> >
> > Other stuff to integrate or align in some way:
> > ./tutorial/README
> > ./tutorial/erl/README
> > ./tutorial/java/README
> > ./tutorial/ocaml/README
> > ./README
> >
> > All the best!
> > -roger
> >
> >

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