Hey Chamila,

That's everything, great job getting this rolling!


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Roger and Randy,
> I have updated [1] with the progress I have currently made. So now we have
> cross language test suite testing nodejs servers and clients with nodejs,
> C++ and java following protocols, transports and sockets.
> nodejs_protocols="binary compact json"
> nodejs_transports="buffered framed"
> nodejs_sockets="ip ip-ssl"
> @Randy, are we missing any protocols, transports or sockets here or is
> this cover everything we have by now?
> @Roger, Can consider nodejs tests as completed? If not what else I need to
> do on that? If this is ok for now, shall we move on to JavaScript or
> Python? What do you think more suitable from those two?
> 1.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AolXxLs9J7hydEFMVmRmNl9RY3MwVFNtbnJSM2ZOSUE&usp=drive_web#gid=0<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AolXxLs9J7hydEFMVmRmNl9RY3MwVFNtbnJSM2ZOSUE&usp=drive_web#gid=0>
> Thank You!
> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Randy Abernethy <
> randy.aberne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Chamila,
>> Node.js does not yet support processor events so you can skip that
>> switch. Also
>> Node.js is event driven and has no notion of worker threads, so you can
>> also skip
>> the workers switch.
>> Best,
>> Randy
>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I added patch to jira which add
>>> '--port arg (=9090) Port number to listen'
>>> to nodejs server at lib/nodejs/test/server.js and
>>> '--host arg (=localhost) Host to connect'
>>> '--port arg (=9090) Port number to connect'
>>> to nodejs client at lib/nodejs/test/client.js.
>>> These has been mentioned in http://thrift.apache.org/test/ and was
>>> missing from nodejs test server and client.
>>> I also noticed that java server is missing '--processor-events' and -n [
>>> --workers ],
>>> nodejs server is missing '--processor-events' and -n [ --workers ]
>>> and nodejs client is missing -n [ --testloops ].
>>> I'll study about processor events and testloops and try to add them.
>>> For thread-pool workers, even though we have argument 'server-type',
>>> servers we have in lib and test only creates simple servers. Even we give
>>> something else, it will still create a simple server. So reading 'thread
>>> pool workers' attribute from inputs seems to make no sense. Also in cross
>>> language test suite, we are only using simple servers. So what should I do
>>> regarding that.
>>> Thank You!
>>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>> I added java-nodejs and nodejs-java tests and attached patch at
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-847. Please check if it
>>>> is okay.
>>>> I came up with few issues and I created following Jiras for them.
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-2548
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-2547
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-2546
>>>> Is there anything more to add for nodejs tests?
>>>> If this is enough for now, what should be the next step?
>>>> Thank You!
>>>> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>>>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>>> In the commit you have add 'compact' protocol also.
>>>>> But compact protocol gives errors when testing with cpp.
>>>>> But it seems like its not a problem of test suite, so we can fix them
>>>>> later as you mentioned.
>>>>> I'll add nodejs-java tests and ssl tests and attach the patch.
>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Roger Meier 
>>>>> <ro...@bufferoverflow.ch>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Chamila
>>>>>> Quoting Chamila Wijayarathna <cdwijayarat...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>  Hi Roger,
>>>>>>> Upto now I did following on nodejs tests we discussed earlier.
>>>>>>>    - Ran nodejs-nodejs, nodejs-java, java-nodejs tests manually
>>>>>>>    - Ran nodejs-cpp, cpp-nodejs, nodejs-nodejs tests manually with
>>>>>>> compact
>>>>>>>    protocol
>>>>>>> I came up with following observations.
>>>>>>>    - We can add nodejs-nodejs, nodejs-java, java-nodejs tests to
>>>>>>> test.sh in
>>>>>>>    the same way we have implemented nodejs-cpp, cpp-nodejs tests. I
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>    checked them manually, I couldn't ran them through test.sh since
>>>>>>> I couldn't
>>>>>>>    figure out how to make 'node' command work on test.sh. Also
>>>>>>> nodejs client
>>>>>>>    exists after 3 seconds, so I couldn't check if all tests give
>>>>>>> success or
>>>>>>>    failure, is there any way to extend this limit? Node server seems
>>>>>>> to fail
>>>>>>>    with multiException[1] tests in existing cpp tests, so I expect
>>>>>>> same output
>>>>>>>    with other tests which use nodejs server. But I couldn't check it
>>>>>>> since I'm
>>>>>>>    having my node client exists after 3 seconds.
>>>>>> yes, there seems to be an issue with multiException.
>>>>>> I've also seen that we still miss nodejs-nodejs tests, I've added
>>>>>> them.
>>>>>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=thrift.git;a=commitdiff;h=
>>>>>> d9b331d2662ff8bbd14f04800ce5de56b21ba01a
>>>>>>     - Compact protocol seems to work ok with nodejs-nodejs, but when
>>>>>>> cpp
>>>>>>>    involves it gives some errors. So we need to look at what are the
>>>>>>> issues
>>>>>>>    there.
>>>>>>> I would be very grateful if you can provide any help with problems I
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> mentioned above.
>>>>>>> Should I create patch with this progress or shall we create patch
>>>>>>> after we
>>>>>>> solve these problems?
>>>>>> yes, Please provide patches also for combinations that are broken.
>>>>>> We need full coverage of combinations and can fix the bugs in a
>>>>>> second step.
>>>>>>  I also tried to run tests with 'ssl', since those options are
>>>>>>> available in
>>>>>>> node client and server at lib/nodejs/test, but I came up with errors
>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>> Do we have 'ssl' for nodejs?
>>>>>> yes, this was added earlier this year.
>>>>>>  I also looked at existing JavaScript test on cross language test
>>>>>>> suite, but
>>>>>>> it seems to be very different from others. Can you give me some
>>>>>>> information
>>>>>>> on how it works?
>>>>>> Javascript test uses the javaserver from lib/js/test/src and phantomjs
>>>>>> it's another story.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> -roger
>>>>>>> 1. testMultiException(success, test 3)
>>>>>>> events.js:72
>>>>>>>         throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
>>>>>>>               ^
>>>>>>> Error: read ECONNRESET
>>>>>>>     at errnoException (net.js:901:11)
>>>>>>>     at TCP.onread (net.js:556:19)
>>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>>> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:40 AM, Roger Meier <
>>>>>>> ro...@bufferoverflow.ch>wrote:
>>>>>>>  Hi Chamila
>>>>>>>> Quoting Chamila Wijayarathna <cdwijayarat...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>  Hi Roger,
>>>>>>>>> I think now we have a good automated test reporting? Do I have do
>>>>>>>>> to any
>>>>>>>>> modification on this?
>>>>>>>>>  I'm fine with this for the moment.
>>>>>>>> Everybody is now able to browse the tested combinations and results.
>>>>>>>>  If not what should I do next? Do you have any suggestions on tasks
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> implement next.
>>>>>>>>> Since in cross language test suite, it only tests nodejs with cpp,
>>>>>>>>> I think
>>>>>>>>> nodejs-nodejs, nodejs-java and java-nodejs tests are suitable as
>>>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>>>> task.
>>>>>>>>>  yes, this makes sense. Do as many combinations as possible and add
>>>>>>>> language by language.
>>>>>>>> please check also that TestClient and TestServers follow the
>>>>>>>> parameter
>>>>>>>> signatures
>>>>>>>> and return value definitions: http://thrift.apache.org/test/
>>>>>>>>  What do you think?
>>>>>>>>>  yes proceed with this.
>>>>>>>> -roger
>>>>>>>>  Thank You!
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>>>>>>>>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Patch attached at https://issues.apache.org/
>>>>>>>>> jira/browse/THRIFT-2534.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>  Sorry, status.html is attached here.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:06 PM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi Roger,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I generated status.html I have attached with this. Please let
>>>>>>>>>>>> me know
>>>>>>>>>>>> what else should be added here.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Chamila Wijayarathna <
>>>>>>>>>>>> cdwijayarat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Created a sub task and added patch.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-2534
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Roger Meier <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ro...@bufferoverflow.ch
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  yes, just creat a sub Task for THRIFT-847
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> roger
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Chamila Wijayarathna <cdwijayarat...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi Roger,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I'll start working on that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shall I create a Jira for this and add patch for current
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Than You.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:52 AM, Roger Meier <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ro...@bufferoverflow.ch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi Chamila
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> generating this as an additional result out of test.sh is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> step.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attached is a template for the second step:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> git apply test_status.diff
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it uses jquery datatables, a simple and useful table control
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can add filter functions to the table, etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can generate status.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or generate status.json and load the table within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status.html from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status.json
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (e.g. use https://datatables.net/manual/data#Objects as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initialization
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> roger
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting Chamila Wijayarathna <cdwijayarat...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi Roger,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  As we discussed earlier I have changed test.sh to write
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cross
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> language test run to a status.md file. I have attached a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sample
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> status.mdgenerated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I observed that in commit "THRIFT-847 Test Framework
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harmonization
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all languages (commit 4edac7ff085e4bd28096fef3cf8234
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e4991544ff)"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote results of failed test to an error.log file. Are we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both status.md and error.log or only one from them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What do you think about the format of status.md? I am only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> writing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> success/failure, no any description in failure. Is there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any thing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to be added or is this enough for now?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>>>> SMIEEE, SMIESL,
>>>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>>> --
>>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>>> Undergraduate,
>>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>>> University of Moratuwa.
>>> --
>>> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
>>> Undergraduate,
>>> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
>>> University of Moratuwa.
> --
> *Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
> Undergraduate,
> Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
> University of Moratuwa.

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