The TSimpleServer in Go is making use of goroutines, as there inst really
any reason not to. Every request is handled in its own goroutine, unlike
Java there is no need to have a specific thread pool implementation to
handle requests, and requests are handled in the same manner that the
standard library http server works.

On 31 May 2014 11:54, Jens Geyer <> wrote:

> Hi Sergey,
> implying your agreement ;-) I’m moving this topic onto the dev mailing
> list as this seems a better place to discuss this.
> The Go language part has been gone through some major updates in the last
> monts, especially thanks to the massive contributions from Travis, Ben and
> Aleksey. I think everybody will agree when I say, that the Go language part
> it is in a much better shape now than it was a year ago. That said, there
> is surely more work needed to add some still missing pieces, or make some
> stuff better that we are not fully satisfied with yet.
> So the answer is twofold:
> - Yes, there is only the simple server (yet),
> - and yes, we are of course accepting quality contributions.
> Could that be an option for you?
> Thanks + have fun,
> JensG
> From: Sergey Serebryakov
> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 5:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: Multithreaded servers in Apache Thrift for Go
> Hi Jens,
> I'm trying out various languages to implement a simple IP lookup
> Thrift-based server in. So far I've tried official library for Java and
> Twitter's Scrooge+Finagle for Scala. I'm trying Go now, and I've noticed
> that the official Thrift library for Go only contains SimpleServer
> implementation. It works alright, but it's purpose is just testing and I
> need something more performant and mature. In Java, I've used
> TThreadPoolServer and was satisfied with its performance. Is there anything
> similar for Go, perhaps making use of goroutines?
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Sergey Serebryakov

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