Thank you for your answers! I have compared and
simple_server.go and they indeed look similar, except that Go uses
goroutines instead of a thread pool. I'm wondering about why does my Go
server perform 2.5 to 3 times worse than the equivalent Java thread-pool
server with no handling logic on my Mac OS X while being queried from a
multithreaded Thrift client on the same machine (20 000 qps vs. 55 000
qps). Can it be because of how goroutines are managed in Go implementation
on Mac? I can prepare a minimal sample for you to look at.
Thanks again!

Best regards,
Sergey Serebryakov

On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 4:12 AM, Chris Bannister <>

> The TSimpleServer in Go is making use of goroutines, as there inst really
> any reason not to. Every request is handled in its own goroutine, unlike
> Java there is no need to have a specific thread pool implementation to
> handle requests, and requests are handled in the same manner that the
> standard library http server works.
> On 31 May 2014 11:54, Jens Geyer <> wrote:
>> Hi Sergey,
>> implying your agreement ;-) I’m moving this topic onto the dev mailing
>> list as this seems a better place to discuss this.
>> The Go language part has been gone through some major updates in the last
>> monts, especially thanks to the massive contributions from Travis, Ben and
>> Aleksey. I think everybody will agree when I say, that the Go language part
>> it is in a much better shape now than it was a year ago. That said, there
>> is surely more work needed to add some still missing pieces, or make some
>> stuff better that we are not fully satisfied with yet.
>> So the answer is twofold:
>> - Yes, there is only the simple server (yet),
>> - and yes, we are of course accepting quality contributions.
>> Could that be an option for you?
>> Thanks + have fun,
>> JensG
>> From: Sergey Serebryakov
>> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 5:25 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Multithreaded servers in Apache Thrift for Go
>> Hi Jens,
>> I'm trying out various languages to implement a simple IP lookup
>> Thrift-based server in. So far I've tried official library for Java and
>> Twitter's Scrooge+Finagle for Scala. I'm trying Go now, and I've noticed
>> that the official Thrift library for Go only contains SimpleServer
>> implementation. It works alright, but it's purpose is just testing and I
>> need something more performant and mature. In Java, I've used
>> TThreadPoolServer and was satisfied with its performance. Is there anything
>> similar for Go, perhaps making use of goroutines?
>> Thank you!
>> Best regards,
>> Sergey Serebryakov

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