That's what I also tried, but compiler is much different from lib, so I just wanted to be sure that lib is 'future'.

Issue created :)


W dniu 2014-09-26 15:28, Ben Craig pisze:
I haven't seen any explicit coding standards.  I have a minor preference
for using whatever the "local" style already is, but it isn't a large
concern of mine.

Konrad Grochowski <> wrote on 09/26/2014 08:03:45 AM:

From: Konrad Grochowski <>
Date: 09/26/2014 08:04 AM
Subject: C++ coding standards


Are C++ coding standards for thrift defined anywhere? I see that lib/cpp
looks like this 'ClassName::methodName' but compiler code look more like
't_class_name::method_name'. I definitely prefer first style, but
currently I'm playing around compiler. Can I use 'lib' style, assuming
that's more recent and compiler code will move toward that look?


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