I am very pro the 1.0 moniker on the next release. However I would put
a few key criteria on it. Without these things I would be a strong -1.
Here's my list:

1. A single build system and no trace of a duplicate/confusing second
system (e.g. cmake everywhere)
2. No claims of support for anything that does not have a passing cross test
3. TBinaryProtocol support everywhere
4. A published specification for the RPC protocol
5. 0 or close to 0 open bug jira issues (there are over 300 right now)

Each of these is tied to this statement at the top of the Thrift home page:

"The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language
services development, combines a software stack with a code generation
engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between
C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa,
JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages."

I would expect a 1.0 project to have few if any known bugs, to be
fairly simple to build, to be specified and to do what is says (cross
platform rpc), which must be born out in tests.

A 1.0 release is a great goal.


On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 6:27 AM James E. King III <jk...@apache.org> wrote:
> I'd like us to consider the next version number to be 1.0.  The project is
> mature enough, and some folks won't want a version 0.13.  There are already
> a number of accumulated breaking changes in interfaces of the C++,
> JavaScript, and Java libraries.  C++ especially, with the break away from
> C++03 and boost as a link-time dependency has allowed us to change our code
> significantly interface-wise.  In js/node.js we not have correct 64-bit
> integer handling.  Of course, the wire protocol is still backwards
> compatible.  None of that has changed (not to my awareness).  These changes
> are documented in the top level CHANGES.md and in each language's README.md
> file.
> Let's vote.
> [ ] +1 Next version number is 1.0.
> [ ] 0 Don't care
> [ ] -1 Next version number is 0.13.
> Voting ends in 72 hours, Friday January 18 at 13:00 UTC.
> Thanks,
> Jim


Randy Abernethy
Managing Partner
o 415-800-2922
c 415-624-6447

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